Master of Eng. in Automation & IT
Englisch [eng]Englisch


Automation & IT   Future Students   Admissions   Admission Criteria

Admission Criteria

The Master Automation & IT program is NC (numerus clausus) free, but this does not mean that there are no admission restrictions.

The Master's programme is only NC-free because a NC procedure is not suitable for selecting students for our international Master's programme. The NC procedure is strictly orientated towards the cumulative grade point average (CGPA). However, academic achievements are assessed very differently around the world. There are countries in which students are often awarded extremely good grades, while in other countries the opposite is the case. These differences cannot be resolved fairly in a NC-based selection process.

In the Master Automation & IT programme, applications are therefore subjected to a comprehensive list of criteria, which includes a number of other criteria in addition to the CGPA. These include, among other things: Consideration of the overall grade point average of the country of origin, university ranking, field of study, specialisation, professional experience, letter of motivation, etc.

The number of applications has been at a very high level for many years. However, the number of study places is low. For this reason, the selection process is unfortunately very selective.

We therefore recommend that all applicants also apply for other Master's degree programmes.