Master of Eng. in Automation & IT
Automation & IT
Control of Technical Systems
Qualification aims
Students can
- generate, manipulate and analyze digital and optical signals
- design, analyze, evaluate and control continuous systems
- design, analyze, evaluate and control discrete event systems
- design, analyze, evaluate, control and protect electrical energy systems
- understanding and applying digital signal processing theory
- understanding and applying theoretical concepts of optoelectronics
- understanding and applying linear, nonlinear and model predictive control theory
- understanding and applying discrete event control theory
- understanding and applying electrical system theory
- using “state of the art” analysis and design software
- summarizing results in reports
- presenting results in oral presentations
- be able to carry out design tasks such as system or plant design, controller design, etc.
- be qualified for a professional career as automation engineer
The module consists of four courses:
Digital Signal Processing and Optoelectronics
Tutor |
Prof. Kraft |
Credit points |
4 CP |
Term |
Spring |
- Conversion of signals (D/A, D/A), discrete level and time, impact of analogue environment
- Transfer functions in S-plane
- Sampling theory fundamentals, Z-transformation, mapping S-Z-plane
- Fundamentals of digitals filters, transposed systems, DFT/FFT
- Multi-rate signal processing, sample rate conversion
- Optical signals
- Fourier optics (fourier basics, transfer function, convolution, autocorrelation, filtering (high pass, low pass,...), point spread function, sampling theorem, applications)
- Statistical optics (intensity, coherence functions, interference, coherence tomography)
- Acousto optics
- Fibers and switches
- Laser spectroscopy
Linear, Nonlinear and Model Predictive Control
Tutor |
Prof. Scheuring |
Credit points |
5 CP |
Term |
Fall |
- Advanced PID control (override control, etc.)
- Industrial PID controllers
- Matrix norms
- State space approach
- Interconnected systems and feedback
- Stability, Ljapunow stability and I/O stability
- Reachability, Observability and Controllability
- State feedback and output feedback
- Observers
- Multivariable poles and zeros
- Structural characteristics of non-linear systems
- Model-based predictive control systems
- Internal model control and Smith predictor
- Linear model predictive control (MPC)
- Nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC)
- Implementation concepts of major manufacturers
Automation of Discrete Event Systems
Tutor |
Prof. Scheuring |
Credit points |
2 CP |
Term |
Spring |
- Analysis of discrete event systems
- Design of discrete event systems
- Safety oriented discrete event systems
- Automation of hybrid dynamic systems
Protection, Automation and Control in Electrical Energy Supply
Tutor |
Prof. Freiburg |
Credit points |
3 CP |
Term |
Spring |
- Information systems in electric energy grids
- Protection systems
- Substation communication
- State estimation
- Voltage and reactive power control
- Testing and Monitoring
- B.E.A. Saleh and M.C. Teich: Fundamentals of Photonics, Wiley, 2007
- Girod, et.al.: Signals and Systems. ISBN 0-471-98800-6
- Proakis: Digital Signal Processing. ISBN 0-13-394289-9
- Diniz, et.al.: Digital Signal Processing. ISBN 0-521-78175-2
- Vaidyanathan, P.P.: Multirate Systems and Filter Banks. ISBN 0-13-605718-7
- Astrom, K.J., Hagglund, T.: Advanced PID Control, ISA, Research Triangle Park, 2006
- William, R.L., Lawrence, D.A.: Linear State-Space Control Systems. Wiley, 2007
- Liebermann, N.P.: Troubleshooting Process Plant Control. Wiley, 2008
- Rashid, M.: Energy Systems in Electrical Engineering, Springer
- Gómez-Expósito, et al: Electric Energy Systems – Analysis and Operation, CRC Press, 2009
- Sivanagaraju, S.: Power system operation and control, Pearson, 2010
- Hewitson, L.G.; Brown, M.; Balakrishnan, R.: Practical Power System Protection. Elsevier
- Anderson, P.M.: Power System Protection. IEEE Press
- Van Cutsem, T.; Vournas, C.: Voltage stability of electric power systems. Kluwer Publisher
- Häger, U.; Rehtanz, Ch.; Voropai, N.: Monitoring, Control and Protection of Interconnected Power Systems. Springer
- Stoustrup, J.; Annaswamy, A.; Chakrabortty, A.; Qu, Z.: Smart Grid Control. Springer